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1 hr 30 min
140 US dollars1 hr 30 min
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Judith Ann, MD
"Dearest Paula, This is belated but heartfelt...I can't thank you enough for your wisdom, your intuitiveness and your ability to meet me where I was during our sessions together. At every turn there was healing that took place and I am in deep gratitude for our work together. I continue to be grounded and centered and sober! Yay me!"
Pam D., MA
“I cannot say enough about how much Paula and her healing practice has helped me in my life. She has helped me through many difficult life transitions. Paula’s healing practices have helped me to grow and become more present in my life. I am now able to tap into the feeling of well being I have during her sessions and work them into my everyday life at the workplace and at home to reduce stress.
Kayla, MA
Paula’s is a healing vortex. I always leave feeling lighter with more energy or ready for a restful sleep. The yurt is clean, comfortable and always smells amazing!
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